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NASA : SCIENCE BLOG    When it comes to achieving incredible feats of aerospace engineering Exploring the wonders of the universe And realizing the dreams of astronauts from around the world There’s one organization that stands out above all others This is the Evolution of NASA In the first episode we will cover the origins of NASA When World War 1 started in 1914, the United States lagged far behind Europe In technology and the number of military airplanes Great Britain had 400 military airplanes Germany 1,000 and France even 1,400 While the United States only had 23  In order to catch up, the NACA or National  Advisory Committee for Aeronautics was founded In 1915 on a mission to change the face of U.S. aviation The research of this committee and its technological expertise laid the foundation for NASA Unlike NASA’s current huge budget of 22.6 billion dollars The NACA initially only had a budget of 5,000 dollars NACA received more funding in the following years Leading to ground brea

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